2400 Old Milton Pkwy #551 Alpharetta, GA 30009-9998

One who freely offers to take part in an enterprise or undertake a task.

SDp3 Volunteer Interest Form

Please submit form for our review and we will follow up with you. Thank you!

Graphic Design

Individuals with experience in graphic design are needed to help in designing public domain logos, banners, and other graphics which can widely and freely be shared with mental health, suicide, and bullying prevention programs around the globe.

Marketing and Press Releases

Individuals who have experience with marketing and public relations are needed to help with marketing and press releases pertaining to a broad range of announcements and activities from SDPPP, Inc.

Data Collection

Individuals who are experienced or interested in data collection are needed by SDPPP, Inc. for purposes of collecting, examining, and detailing data on the SDPPP, Inc. taking effect around the world.


Individuals with an interest in performing research as part of their college or university degree requirements, and other individuals who are interested in conducting research on mental health as well as suicide and bullying prevention programs across the world.

Social Media

Individuals who are experienced in a broad range of social media platforms are needed to execute and improve new and existing social media platforms to further build the extensive SDPPP, Inc. Social Media Network. Particularly, individuals who have experience on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube are needed.

Board Members

SDPPP, Inc. is an International Nonprofit Corporation with an approved 501 (c)(3) status. The board of directors of SDPPP, Inc. will ultimately be composed of seven (7) board members. SDPPP, Inc. board members have a leadership role in two (2) aspects: (1) founding board members will take a lead role in backing an Administrative, Fiscal, Programmatic, or Operational area of Global Youth Justice, Inc.; (2) founding board members will take the lead in backing the annual operating budget of SDPPP, Inc., which may encompass individuals from corporations, foundations, philanthropies, and/or individuals with substantial fundraising experience.


Individuals with an interest in a broad range of fundraising activities backing both SDPPP, Inc. mental health, suicide, and bullying prevention programs around the globe. SDPPP, Inc. will be launching a fundraising activity to generate income and increase public awareness, mental health, suicide, and bullying prevention programs around the globe. Individuals may also volunteer for one (1) or more fundraising activities by SDPPP, Inc.

Grant Writing

Individuals who are interested in writing, researching, and preparing public and/or private grant applications on a national and worldwide level are advised to contact SDPPP, Inc.

Training Committee Members

Individuals who have an interest in serving on a planning committee for upcoming SDPPP, Inc. Conferences and Events are encouraged to contact SDPPP, Inc.

Other Opportunities

Individuals who have ideas and suggestions for other volunteer roles within SDPPP, Inc. are highly advised to contact SDPPP, Inc.