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Author Archives: selfveab

Self-Discovery: Pain, Positioning & Purpose, Inc. ™

April Sexual assault awareness month

April is a SexualAssaultAwareness month, a time to raise awareness about sexual assault and its effect on survivors. Sexual assault is a widespread problem in our society, affecting people of all genders, ages, races, and socio-economic...

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Self-Discovery: Pain, Positioning & Purpose, Inc. ™


Mental health is a crucial aspect of overall well-being that is often overlooked and stigmatized. Women often face unique challenges related to mental health, including, gender-based violence, discrimination,andsocietal pressures. Gender-based...

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Self-Discovery: Pain, Positioning & Purpose, Inc. ™

SDP3 February Blog

In the present times, every individual is going through an uninvited suffering or battle. Keeping that in mind, there is no harm in bringing ease to people lives by just being kind. Kindness is a quality of being kind to others, which is putting...

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Self-Discovery: Pain, Positioning & Purpose, Inc. ™

SDP3- January Blog

The month of January resurrects New Year Resolutions tradition. Begin this year aiming to promote mental health awareness and ways to improve it. January is the month dedicated to celebrate national hug day, national self-love month and national...

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Self-Discovery: Pain, Positioning & Purpose, Inc. ™

December Blog- National Stress-Free Family Holiday Month

Holidays are supposed to be joyous and melodious, this concept overshadows the peer pressure that comes with it due to commercialism of holidays. The expectations are to enjoy holidays by spending money, purchasing gifts, carrying out astounding...

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Self-Discovery: Pain, Positioning & Purpose, Inc. ™

November Blog-SDP3

A clear career path is one less thing to worry about. You read it right, career development is where half of your mental health depends on. Wrong career choice can cause work stress that lasts as long as you are brave enough to quit the job and...

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